Naturing You

Nature creates for every thing, and every one. What can we receive now?

What does it mean to be connected to nature? What does it mean to be nurtured by nature? What if I told you that every time you went for a walk in the woods, magic was happening behind the scenes? Would you be willing to experience that now?

What would happen if you added a plant to your desk, to your kitchen, or your bedroom?

Each day we walk on an amazing source of energy, and yet we feel tired. What if we never had to feel tired again?

What does Naturing you mean? Naturing you, is what I call the ability to receive, and be contributed to, by all the elements of the natural world. You may or may not have heard of Forest Bathing? It started in Japan as a way of combating the overwhelming level of stress the people were having. It has been such a success that you can find Forest Bathing centers all over the world now. People are seeing the healing benefits of being in the forest. Stress relief is only one of the benefits that come from being in nature. You may notice that the more time you spend in nature, your body starts regenerating itself, you start feeling happier, healthier, calmer. Now think about the Earth for a moment. We are walking on a source of energy that has created and sustained everything on this planet. There is so much energy flowing from the Earth all the time, we just have to allow ourselves to receive it. If you are not familiar with the book, TO BE HEALED BY THE EARTH by Warren Grossman, PH. D, I highly recommend it, if you are interested in going deeper into the natural resources for healthy living. When we go out in nature, or walk through the trees, we are not just walking through the trees, we are stepping into a living organism that is constantly sending and receiving energy, and information whether we are aware of it or not. Although our bodies look and feel solid, our bodies exist because of energy, our bodies are made of energy. Energy is what keeps us moving, keeps us alive, and when we go into nature we are tapping into various frequencies of energy, and our immune system is being boosted by the energy in nature. When you go out into the park, the forest, on a trail, you can walk through the forest unconsciously, and you will still receive some benefits from the forest. Now what if you walk through the forest consciously, and opened to receive all the elements around you? From that space you may leave the forest feeling completely rejuvenated.

Now let us take this a little deeper. Image a facilitator tapping into the healing energy of the earth, the forest, universal energy, the Devine source, consciousness, or whatever name you prefer to call it. The vibrational frequency that helps your body heal itself is also the energy you find everywhere in nature. It is available all around us, we simply have to access it and direct it for the purpose of creating greater good for all.

This is what is now called, Wisdom OF the Earth sessions. It is a capacity I have been gifted with, and an honor to facilitate, Wisdom of The Earth sessions.